Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What's my client number?

Your client number can be found on the first page of the welcome package we emailed you. If you can't locate this, please email or call 780-423-2231 ext 2885.

Does my.MetCredit save my work?

Yes, once you've completed a tab with all the required fields, it will be saved. If you haven't filled all the required fields that are marked with an asterick you won't be able to move the next tab.

Can I make edits on a listing?

Yes, you can edit a listing that hasn't yet been submitted to our office. To do this, go to the homepage where you'll see My Drafts, click edit and make the necessary changes.

Can I delete a listing?

Yes, if you want to delete a listing, go to your list of My Drafts and click discard.

How do I submit the listing?

Once you have completed all the steps you'll see a green checkmark beside all the tabs, then click submit and follow the instructions. Once your listing has been submitted, you'll find it in My Listings.

How can I view all the listings?

Go to the homepage then click on the see all listings button. You will be able to sort all your listings.

Can I edit a listing that has already been submitted?

No, you'll have to email or call 780-423-2231 ext 2885 with any changes.

What do the statuses mean?

means the debt is incomplete and more information needs to be filled out and before being submitted.
means you have submitted your listing successfully.
means that the listing was cancelled.
means all the information is complete and it’s being reviewed before being listed.
means our MetCredit team has audited the business and it has been/will be loaded in our system by the end of business that day.
means we have questions and will be contacting you.

What happens after I've submitted a listing?

After your listing is submitted, our team will audit the business and load it into the system. Collectors can begin the collections process after the account is marked "completed" in our system.

How do I get updates?

If you ever need an update, e-mail or call 780-423-2231 ext 2885. You can also request online access to view your accounts.

What if I forgot my password?

Go to click Forgot Your Password, then enter your email address and you'll get an e-mail with instructions to change your password.

How do I edit my info or change my password?

Click on the my account button at the top right of any page and select one of those two options.

How do I pay you?

You can pay by cheque or see the Welcome Package for electronic transfer banking information.

What if a customer contacts me to make a payment?

Inform the customer that their account has been submitted to MetCredit for collection and ask them to contact us so we can arrange payment and update credit bureaus.

What if a customer pays me?

Please let us know immediately by emailing us at Please provide us with your client number for efficient processing.

How quickly are you able to collect?

Our collection offices make every effort to collect the full balance immediately, provided MetCredit has received all the necessary information. Some factors that impact collection time are the age of the account, the completeness of the information submitted and the customer’s financial circumstances.

Will you report my accounts to Credit Bureaus?

MetCredit is affiliated with all six credit bureaus in Canada including Equifax Canada, TransUnion of Canada, Dun and Bradstreet Canada, as well as three specialized regional bureaus. Thirty (30) days after we’ve received your accounts, we will report each account over $100 to all appropriate entities as laws permit, unless you have explicitly requested otherwise.

Are you able to sue an account if a customer does not pay?

MetCredit offers a full in-house national legal department. Should we recommend legal action, we will advise you with a Permission to Sue Legal Package which will include the information you need to make an informed decision on pursuing accounts through the legal process. Included will be procedures and estimated potential costs associated with legal action, along with our recommendations on how to collect after judgment. (Please note legal costs are dependent upon the debtor’s response to the claim.)

Listing Field Questions

What should I call the listing form?

The name of the listing form can be customized to whatever will help you identify this listing.

What’s the difference between commercial and consumer?

Choose commercial if a company has overdue accounts, and choose consumer if an individual has overdue accounts or debt owed to you.

What do I use for the account number?

The account number is used within your company to identify the debtor. If you don't use an account number, a last name and first initial of the debtor can be used.

What do I use for type of debt?

These are services that you've provided to the debtor. For example: veterinary services, building materials, rent due, medical procedure, etc.

What is the principal balance?

The principal balance is the current amount that is outstanding from the debtor.

What is the date of first delinquency?

The date of first delinquency is the date the customer’s account became delinquent, remained delinquent, and the total arrears amount was never paid to bring the account back up to date, causing the account to be sent to a collection agency. Please be advised that the following dates cannot be used as the date of first delinquency:

  • Write-off date
  • Last payment date
  • Disconnect date

What is the date of last acknowledgment?

Date of the last acknowledgment is normally the date that the last payment was made, or in some cases, it can be written confirmation from the debtor about the debt.

Can I charge interest?

You can charge interest only when the contract between you and the debtor states you will be adding on interest if the balance isn’t paid.

Can I submit a listing without an address?

No, you'll need to include the last known address.

What is a guarantor?

A guarantor is a person or organization that guarantees the debt to be paid. If there are no guarantors, please skip this step.

What type of files should I attach?

Attaching contracts, invoices and any other information pertaining to the debt should be attached to help our office efficiently collect on the debt. You can attach multiple files and the file types that are supported are: pdf, png, jpg or jpeg. Once you've chosen a file, please remember to click attach and then you'll see the preview of the file. If you need to delete an attachment, click the X in the top right hand corner of the preview.

I can't upload my attachment.

We limit attachments to 10 MB; if the attachment is over the limit please email it to

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